Specialist in Ophthalmology
Dr. Pablo Guzmán Salas
Medical profile
2016: High Specialty in Microsurgery of the Anterior Segment of the Eye, Institute of Ophthalmology Fundación Conde de Valenciana I.A.P. – National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
2015: Specialist in Ophthalmology, Fundación Conde de Valenciana Institute of Ophthalmology I.A.P. – National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
- Octubre 2016 – Presente: Especialista en Oftalmología, GVS Oftalmología, Hospital Clínica Bíblica.
- Julio 2016 – Abril 2023: Director del curso de Oftalmología para la Carrera de Medicina, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas (UCIMED), San José, Costa Rica.
- Mayo 2016 – Noviembre 2016: Especialista en Oftalmología, Centro Ocular del Norte – Hospital Cooperativo, Ciudad Quesada, San Carlos, Costa Rica.
- Abril 2016 – Octubre 2016: Médico Especialista en Oftalmología Hospital San Carlos – CCSS, San Carlos, Costa Rica.
- Julio 2010 – Diciembre 2011: Director del Centro de Simulación Médica, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas (UCIMED), San José, Costa Rica.
- Marzo 2010 – Julio 2010: Médico General en Área de Salud Heredia Virilla – CCSS, Heredia, Costa Rica.
– Ocular pathologies of all types in patients of all ages, with a greater emphasis on anterior segment eye pathologies.
– Attention to children from 0 years onwards.
– Comprehensive ophthalmological evaluation of children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly.
– Refractive errors: Astigmatism, Myopia, Hyperopia, Presbyopia.
– Intraocular pressure measurement.
– Diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva, eyeball.
– Assessment of cataracts.
– Dilated fundus examination (children and adults).
– Emergency eye care (children and adults).
Surgical Procedures:
– Personalized Cataract Surgery in adults: using monofocal, toric, multifocal, extended range intraocular lens.
– Congenital or traumatic cataract surgery in children.
– Refractive surgery with laser: Myopia, Astigmatism, Hyperopia (LASIK, FemtoLASIK).
– Pterygium surgery with autograft (with or without sutures).
– Chalazion surgery.
– Glaucoma surgery: valve implant, trabeculectomy.
– Eyelid surgery: Resection of warts, nevi, and cysts.
– YAG laser procedures: Iridotomy (hole in the iris for glaucoma) and capsulotomy (cleaning of the bag where the intraocular lens rests post-cataract surgery).
– Laser procedures: Photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy or holes in the retina.
– Other procedures: Intraocular injections (avastin, eylia, macugen).
– Biometry.
– Cataract surgery lens measurement.
– Ocular Ultrasound.
– Keratometry.
– Corneal topography.
– Visual Fields.
- Asociación Oftalmológica de Costa Rica.
- European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).
- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS).
- American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).
- 2017 LACAR ARCS Symposium, Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, July 20-22, 2017.
- XXXIV Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology, Cancun, Mexico, May 25-28, 2019. (speaker)
- XXIX Benjamin Boyd Congress and IV Symposium on Cataract Surgery 2019, Panama City, Panama, July 17-20, 2019.
- 37th Congress of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Paris, France, September 14-18, 2019.
- FacoFest 2019, Mexico City, Mexico, October 17-19, 2019.
- International Course on Advances and Innovation in Ophthalmology 2020, Nuevo Leon Ophthalmology College, Mexico, September 2020, virtual session. (speaker)
- XIX National Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panama City, Panama, September 15-18, 2021. (speaker)
- XXII National Congress of Ophthalmology, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, October 21-23, 2021. (speaker)
- FacoFest 2021, Mexico City, Mexico, November 18-20, 2021. (speaker)
- XXIII National Congress of Ophthalmology, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, October 20-22, 2022. (speaker)
- Regional Congress of Central America and the Caribbean of Ophthalmology in Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, August 10-12, 2023.
- Forefront Refractive Surgery Course, London Vision Clinic, London, United Kingdom, June 22-25, 2023.
- Forefront Therapeutic Refractive Surgery Course 2023, London, United Kingdom, November 18-19, 2023.
Guzman-Salas PJ et al, Intraocular Infection with a Trematode, New England Journal of Medicine. 2017 Sep 21; 377(12), e15.
Juan Carlos Serna-Ojeda, Enrique O Graue-Hernández, Pablo José Guzmán-Salas, José Luis Rodríguez-Loaiza. Simulation in the teaching of ophthalmology. Gaceta Médica de México. 2017;153(1):111-115.
Guzman-Salas PJ et al, Characteristics of Sympathetic Ophthalmia in a Single International Center. The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2016, Volume 10, 154-159.
González G. EXARMED Guide for the Examination of Applicants for Medical Residency, Fifth Edition. Editorial Intersistemas. Ophthalmology Section. Strabismus Chapter. Mexico, 2015.